Yoga and Body Image Coalition

We created the Yoga and Body Image book to spark conversation about how yoga influences body image and vice versa.

As we’ve seen, though, conversation is just the first step. We are so thrilled by the response to the book that we created the Yoga and Body Image Coalition as the action arm of our work.

Mission of the Coalition:

Our coalition is committed to body love by developing, promoting and supporting yoga that is accessible, body positive and reflects the full range of human diversity. Our mission not only advocates yoga as an essential tool in personal transformation, from the inside out, but also includes a critical social justice component by challenging industry leaders and media creators to expand their vision of what a yogi looks like.

Vision of the Coalition:

To create a united effort in promoting inclusivity, active transformation, and physical, spiritual and mental empowerment in the yoga community.

To raise awareness by utilizing critical theories that examine the role of sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism, able-ism, size-ism, age-ism and consumer culture in contemporary body image politics and provide solutions to make yoga more accessible for everyone.

To create safe spaces for bodies of all types, devoid of body shaming, while offering a comprehensive body image education for the yoga community.

Connect with the Coalition on Facebook and Twitter.